Whole school
New curriculum 2014: Secondary German
Prepare for the new academic year with this document full of resources, activities and lesson plans aligned to each objective of the secondary German curriculum for 2014.
Tom Bennett, TES behaviour adviser, gives an explanation of why it is important to build a relationship with parents before bad behaviour becomes an issue, as well as how to talk to parents in the event that their child does misbehave. This video is part of a series on behaviour management strategies. Find more here:
New curriculum 2014: Primary Spanish
Prepare for the new academic year with this document full of resources, activities and lesson plans aligned to each objective of the primary Spanish curriculum for 2014.
New curriculum 2014: Primary maths
Prepare for the new academic year with this document full of resources, activities and lesson plans aligned to each objective of the primary maths curriculum for 2014.
New curriculum 2014: Primary science
Prepare for the new academic year with this document full of resources, activities and lesson plans aligned to each objective of the science curriculum for 2014.
New curriculum 2014: Primary history
Prepare for the new academic year with this document full of resources, activities and lesson plans aligned to each objective of the primary history curriculum for 2014.
Seating plans
Tom Bennett, TES behaviour adviser, explains why seating plans are the best way of building a relationship with your class, as well as an effective method of making sure your students are in the best position possible to learn.
This video is part of a series of behaviour management strategies. Find more here:
New curriculum 2014: Secondary Spanish
Prepare for the new academic year with this document full of resources, activities and lesson plans aligned to each objective of the secondary Spanish curriculum for 2014.
World Cup masks
This resource contains Tes-designed World Cup footballer masks for the 2022 Qatar world cup.
Both filled in and outline only players masks are available to download for free to use with your students to celebrate the world cup.
Your class can wear the faces of famous footballers by donning one of these cut-out masks. Use them in activities such as mock interviews, role plays and languages games or simply as a bit of fun during World Cup-themed assemblies or events taking place at your school.
New curriculum 2014: Primary English
Prepare for the new academic year with this document full of resources, activities and lesson plans aligned to each objective of the primary English curriculum for 2014.
New curriculum 2014: Primary geography
Prepare for the new academic year with this document full of resources, activities and lesson plans aligned to each objective of the primary geography curriculum for 2014.
New curriculum 2014: Secondary English
Prepare for the new academic year with this document full of resources, activities and lesson plans aligned to each objective of the secondary English curriculum for 2014.
Spelling punctuation and grammar (SPaG) placemat
Check spelling, punctuation and grammar (SPaG) against this colourful ‘desk placemat’. The resource can be printed and laminated for students to refer to during written work in any lesson, helping to improve literacy across the secondary curriculum. Topic words can be listed by the teacher before printing or can be added with a dry wipe pen by the student once the placemat has been laminated. Part of the TES Resources SPaG series.
New curriculum 2014: Primary design and technology
Prepare for the new academic year with this document full of resources, activities and lesson plans aligned to each objective of the primary design and technology curriculum for 2014.
New curriculum 2014: Secondary physics
Prepare for the new academic year with this document full of resources, activities and lesson plans aligned to each objective of the secondary physics curriculum for 2014.
New curriculum 2014: Primary physical education
Prepare for the new academic year with this document full of resources, activities and lesson plans aligned to each objective of the primary PE curriculum for 2014.
New curriculum 2014: Secondary biology
Prepare for the new academic year with this document full of resources, activities and lesson plans aligned to each objective of the secondary biology curriculum for 2014.
New curriculum 2014: Secondary French
Prepare for the new academic year with this document full of resources, activities and lesson plans aligned to each objective of the secondary French curriculum for 2014.
Classroom rules
Tom Bennett, TES behaviour adviser, shares his top 10 classroom rules and explains why a social contract with your students provides mutual benefits to you and your class. This video is part of a series of behaviour management strategies. Find more here:
New curriculum 2014: Primary music
Prepare for the new academic year with this document full of resources, activities and lesson plans aligned to each objective of the primary music curriculum for 2014.